Sunday, June 16, 2024

Weekly Notes 10/06/2024 - 16/06/2024

Hello there,

Hope you all are doing great. I am happy that I am in a consistent for the 2nd week as well on writing weekly notes. I have done quite a lot of works in a productive way this week too.

It's time for me to share this with you.

Uki - Instructor

The second week at Uki was delightful. I gained valuable insights into evaluating students based on their activities. I'm gradually improving my skills as a teacher by better understanding students' mindsets and perspectives.

One of the key aspects of effective teaching is recognizing the individuality of each student. By observing how students engage with different tasks, I can identify their strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This allows me to tailor my teaching methods to better suit their learning styles.

Additionally, fostering open communication is essential. Encouraging students to express their thoughts and concerns helps me understand their perspectives and challenges. This, in turn, enables me to provide more targeted support and guidance.

Another important strategy is to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment. By promoting a culture of respect and collaboration, students feel more comfortable participating and sharing their ideas. This not only enhances their learning experience but also allows me to gauge their potential more accurately.

Understanding students' mentalities also involves being empathetic and patient. Recognizing that each student has unique experiences and backgrounds helps me approach teaching with greater sensitivity and adaptability.

Overall, my journey at Uki has been incredibly rewarding. I am committed to continually refining my teaching practices to better support my students' growth and success.

The applications for Uki Kilinochchi & Vavuniya's applications were created and will be opened for registration from next week. Looking forward to work on rest of the application process and more.

Had great session with Uki weekend cohort batch. Divided the students into many groups and allowed them to present on different topics in JavaScript, it went really well & I choose to do the same group activity in future days as well.

Freelancing & Side Projects
Since, I bought MacBook last month, I was only able to setup the Xcode and React Native development environment on this week. It went a bit tricky to get it done, but I managed it. It was a great learning experience.

I got a new connection to do some freelance project from Germany. Looking forward to hear from him about the project. Let's see.

I started working on my personal blog post project which I used Next JS for front-end and Nest JS as backend and Postgres for database. It would be a good experience for me as a developer and I can own my blog site. I will keep update on this process.

Volunteer Activities
For Noolaham Foundation's cloud backup wrote a python script to start taking backup at 12.01 AM and stops at 6.30 AM to use the free data transfer. The backup is uploaded to AWS S3 bucket. Overall, the process is success in the end of Sunday it has uploaded 1 TB. Need to work on the site issue reported may be in later week. Let's see.

For TAJ, I haven't tried on the Journal submission portal. But I should start doing it at least by next week.

I did exercise for 2 days, but still that momentum is within me. I need to do it in a regular basis. I should be consistent on doing exercise and meditation. Well, the book reading is also another one I am missing a lot. I should allocate in coming weeks.


I went to watch a movie named "Garden" - A Tamil film at Rajah theatre in Jaffna with mom. That was a nice movie and had a good storyline.

The week went good and productive. I should improve my time management skill and prioritisation of my tasks.


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